Thursday, June 5, 2008


I am sick, sick, sick! My symptoms are: complete lack of any energy, and my glands are swollen, making me look like I am sprouting twin goiters or perhaps am a member of some intergalactic Galaxy as seen on Star Trek. The gland issue is extremely painful and makes it hard for me to even turn my head, and forget about swallowing- it brings tears to my eyes. If my mom or grandma were closer, I would be on the phone campaigning for them to get over here asap and take care of me, but, of course, they live in a land far, far away, and I am on my own. Well, I wish. I am actually here with the girls, and they have been making a game of trying to get me to completely lose it, and shout at top volume, making a vein poke out on my forehead, and the goiters stick straight out at attention--apparently it is funny enough for them to risk the rant, so it must be pretty good. I have debated trying it in front of the mirror, so I can at least get a laugh too, but it hurts too bad, and I just can't seem to work up the anger looking at my (poor) self in the mirror, it just makes me feel sick and sad.
The silver lining is that I started my diet on Monday, and nothing kick starts a good reduced calorie intake than a kick ass viral infection-yehaw!! I'm pretty sure I'm on track to drop about 5 l-b's by the end of the week. Granted, if I could move off of the couch, the loss would be even more significant, but hey, I take whatever I can get at this point. Well friends, the room is starting to spin, I must crawl back to the couch for now, just wanted to check in, and remind you that we can't kiss this week (unless you're trying to kick start your diet too....)
see you on the flip side, when the sun is shining, and I get the energy to brush my teeth again (hoping like heck it is soon)
P.S. if you bring get well gifts of sparkly things or dinner, leave them on the picnic table on the porch, and I will send my minions out to collect them.

1 comment:

talkz2fazt said...

I am sick too! But not all crazy like that! Mine is a bad chest cold that makes me wheeze....or maybe I am just old....