Thursday, June 19, 2008

a slug in the hair

my job is weird. You wouldn't imagine some of the things I am called on to do on a daily basis that weren't exactly outlined in the job description when I signed on, nevertheless, there they are waiting for me to handle, each and every day. Some days it's not such a big deal, a few phone calls, stinky laundry, mountains of dishes, digging in the mud, you know just stuff. Yesterday I got something new. Layla came in from playing outside and she was freaking out. She had been outside playing alone, so I started to worry, it's funny how many random things can rocket through your mind in a split second. When I finally figured out the problem, it was hard to keep a straight face: somehow a slug had made it's way into her hair, and she had grabbed it and pulled it out, but now her head was covered with a giant booger. EW! We tried to wash her hands, it didn't work, we tried to wash her hair, it didn't work, apparently, slugs throw off this gross snot to deter predators, and it is permanent, to shame you for screwing with the slug. Poor baby. I ended up picking the slug jello out of her hair with my fingers and a towel bit, by slimy bit, until we could comb it through, and got it all out-mostly. We washed her hands no less than a dozen times and that stuff wouldn't budge. We finally used some minty foot scrub to polish it off and then had to rub it off with my fingers and a towel. This process took an hour and the whole time she was trying not to cry and I was trying not to laugh--it was a slippery slope. Later I dug a dry river through my front yard, kissed a new road rash, called the doctor for advice on a puncture by sea shell wound, and found the best deal for my grocery buck at 10 pm, after which I came home and formulated my own dish washer soap and fabric softener. All in a days work...

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