Sunday, June 8, 2008

drugs are bad

well, most of them probably are-but this week I, for one, am a huge fan of antibiotics!! WOOHOO! I am feeling much better (and it happened about 12 seconds after I started taking them--a little freaky really). In general, I am not a big backer of antibiotics, I think they are over prescribed and mis-used. I woke up sick on Tuesday, and woke up SICK on Wednesday and called the doc. She said it was probably viral (which doesn't respond to antibiotics) so we should wait until Friday to see if I got better on my own. Good plan I thought, until I was sick for 3 more long days, and cranky and crying and started neglecting my own personal hygiene. (I still had to hop off the couch to attend to various wipings and clean ups etc.., just none of my own) BOO! Finally on Friday I go the go ahead for the drugs and voila! I'm a new woman-just like that. Yay! Today I am all in favor of them, well, for the next 10 days, and then, I will resort to my presick mind set of overuse--but today, look out--I'm back.
In an entirely different direction, today we tried something wonderful! It is called maple butter. As you probably know we are a family with diabetes (only one of us gets injections, but it affects us all). For the past few years we have been using sugar free syrup for our pancakes and things, it is good because it mostly tastes like maple syrup and is low carb, so it seemed like a good choice for us. (it is bad because it has 89 ingredients and I can only pronounce 3 of them) As you also probably know I am a tad bit freakish about what we put into our bodies, so this chemical syrup was bugging me to no end. My dilemma is that I want Layla to feel like a normal kid, but at the same time she isn't. (honestly we always knew my kids wouldn't be completely normal by outsiders standards anyway) I have been looking and looking, and almost switched to pure maple syrup, it only has one ingredient, it's all natural--never mind it has more sugar than a snickers bar-hey, breakfast is where you get all of your energy for the day. (right?) This month I searched "maple syrup" on my co-op website so I could get me some, and there were a few variations--could this be? One of my choices was maple butter, it's only ingredient is pure organic maple syrup, and it is thick like whipped frosting. It isn't quite as sweet as syrup and only has 16 carbs per tablespoon. In case you don't know, maple syrup has about 60 or so per serving-whoa! Hmmmm...frosting for breakfast? How fast can this get to me?! We had it this morning on crepe-cakes with fresh strawberries and I wanted to kiss myself, I wanted to start a B&B, I wanted thirds. This stuff is good. Yay me, I get my good mom star for the day. I didn't have seconds even though I get a diet break on the weekends, I am a pillar of strength (a roundish pillar, but whatever). Tomorrow is my one week weigh in, and I have done great this week (possibly from not enough energy to get to the kitchen mixed with the very strict rule of no eating on the new couch, which I NEVER left).
I have heard the creeping crud is making the rounds right now, hope you are all feeling spry and fresh as a daisy. I am off to shower and brush my teeth (and then go dig in the mud that will one day be my yard)--see ya!

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