Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home

you know how when something is gone, you want it really bad? Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's human nature--who knows. I am fine without a snickers bar until my friend has one and then I think it's possible I will actually die if I don't have my own snickers bar. (not just a bite of hers either, I want my own super sized bar and one to stash in my purse for later and one for the freezer too, in case of an emergency) long story short (or vise-versa, I get confused) I really, really missed home when I was gone. And Alan and my sheets and my hand soap and well, just about every darn thing, things I take for granted daily, and I didn't even notice until they were gone.
I had fun in Klamath, it was good to see my family, and the weather was sunny for the first 3 days we were there--and the temperature hovered somewhere close to 90*, it was hot and dry and hot. The girls ran in the sprinklers and we barbecued, it was fun. Then the sun went away, the clouds moved in, and the rains came full force. It made me miss home even more-haha-I'm such a geek! Layla got to eat tuna sandwiches almost every day for lunch, which is her very favorite food at the moment, so she was in heaven. We went hiking in the woods a couple of times and the girls got some botany lessons from Papa, but unfortunately we didn't find any of the morel mushrooms we were hunting for, they were most likely burned into dust from the fore-mentioned 90* weather a few days before. (shrooms are very fragile and temperamental--probably they are girls)
I went out on a date with my very best friend from high school and we had sushi and then went to a martini bar (ok, it was a brewery that served martinis--but still--pretty impressive for K-Falls!!) Then Anna got me and we went out to the new Ashton Kutcher movie-that boy is yummy-mmm. I give the movie a 5, it was watchable and I will probably get it again for free from the redbox, but at almost $10 to get in, I am not sure they can make a movie good enough to justify the price of admission. If the leading man was not as good looking, I very well may have stormed the ticket box and demanded my mom's money back. (also, the fact that I didn't have to pay made it a little easier to swallow-heehee)
During the days, I stayed at my folks' house and hung out with my girls, it's kind of like hanging out here, except the toys are worse. All of the toys I hate, now live with my parents, they are plastic and take batteries (lots of batteries) and talk and sing and all kinds of annoying things, and there is a HUGE bin of them. So I took to reading and napping and digging through stuff that belongs to my parents. This is actually a favorite past time, the only bad part is when I get discovered, I usually get totally busted, and the conversation that follows is a bummer. Here's how it has gone in the past:
dad: "what is all of this stuff in the garbage?"
me: "I helped you sort out some things in your medicine cabinet"
dad: "that's my stuff, stay out of it"
me: "dad, that cologne is from 1973 (this is hardly even an exaggeration) and it was brown and thick, why don't you wear the new cologne I got you for Christmas?"
dad: "I like my stuff, stay out of it--that old spice is perfectly good still" (I assure you it wasn't)
kind of yelling now "Where is my bug spray?!?!"
me: "dad, deet is bad for you, and the can was actually rusted to the shelf"
dad: "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" this last bit is said while rummaging through the things I have discarded in the small corner waste bin
as you can see, after a week in Klamath Falls, what else would you expect me to do? They have cable there, but we are only allowed to watch the extreme fighting challenge (or something like that--I am still trying to block it out) This time, I accidentally stumbled upon the mother load. There is a weird corner in the kitchen, the microwave is wedged into it, but beside the microwave, things are hidden. Now to be honest, I have seen the corner before, but obviously I have never been this bored, because I never ever gave it a second glance. It is a drug hole. There are other things too, like some various supplements, but basically it's a lazy susan stacked with a random assortment of bottles of pills. Hmmmm. Fun times. Although, being an evolved human, this time, I just looked for the sheer fun (or boredom--hard to say) let's just say that I wasn't up for the conversation again, just for trying to help--geez. I got a good laugh. There were things there that I had never even heard of before, things for the dog (what dog) things for aches and pains that I didn't know could hurt, but the queen mother score was a bottle of PMS formula (what is that I wonder) that had expired in 1993. That's 15 years ago that it expired-wow. I think it is possible we brought that bottle of pills into that house when we moved there and it may have already been expired--cool. I just laughed until I had to sit down, and then I put it back on the turntable and walked away. What's a girl to do?
anywhoo-glad to be back--I missed you. (now about that snickers bar......)

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