Monday, June 4, 2007

I scream for ice cream

We had a great weekend, it was hot, we had friends over, and got to spend lots of good time as a family. We went to the Hockinson fun days parade and the girls played a few "carnival" games. They liked the one where you throw your fishing line (a string tied onto a stick with a clip at the end) over a plywood wall and when you reel it in, there is a prize on the end......That's about my speed of fishing too, super quick with a guaranteed reward. It was over all a really good couple of days, I kept lots of popscicles and beer available, and we only had a couple of scary low lows. (did I mention that while I love the warm weather, I'm not actually a huge fan of summer becasue it is nearly impossible to keep blood sugars stable) This weekend I learned a few of things which I will share with you now (free of charge)--1) while a touch cranky, Layla is lucid and functional when her blood sugar gets down to 32 (our lowest ever!!-YIKES!!) 2)never challange a fighter pilot to a beer chugging competition, and finally, a new yummy recipe for coconut ice cream....(not cream really, but creamy for sure!) recipe follows (I got it out of a paper, details are sketchy, take it or leave it)

Easy Coconut Ice Creamy
4 cans coconut milk (I use the light)
2 Cups sugar
1 tsp. salt

Bring to a gentle bubble on med. high heat, stir until sugar dissolves, about 1 minute. Let cool, then refrigerate until chilled. Put it in your ice cream maker and process per machine directions. Serve or freeze airtight up to 2 weeks.

ohmygod! this is so awesome, and you would actually have a hard time convincing anyone that it is dairy free. It is amazing as is, or you can add cocoa powder to make it chocolate, chocolate chips, whatever stir in you desire. I cut this recipe in half the first time we made it, and it worked great; next time however, will be making a full batch, so I don't have to hide it and can share with the kids. (fyi, I didn't even boil it, when I thought the sugar was dissolved, I poured it hot right into the ice cream maker--it was super quick and I was drunk and it still worked, so there you go)

That's all I have for now--have to go make some phone calls to a guy about a fence. Until next time-j

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