Sunday, May 15, 2011

meds? yes please.

They say that laughter is the best medicine. I agree. Nothing can turn your day around like a good, body shaking belly laugh. The longer the better.  I also like to keep these on hand to take as needed:
brownies/tater tots
good girl friends
sunny days (need to get this refilled)
fuzzy pants
monkey sex (as in crazy style, not as in with monkeys)
discount retail shopping (deals=shopping high)

If you don't notice a change in symptoms, or your symptoms get worse, layer two or more (the more the better, preferably all at once).  If you don't notice a drastic change in 6 months, something stronger is necessary. Most likely it could be fatal (to those around you) and/or contagious, so your best bet is some short intense isolation.  Heat usually helps kill any surface troubles, but the important thing is to heal from the inside out.  These things take time.  Maybe pre schedule another "session" for 6 months out.  You can never be too careful.

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