Thursday, May 5, 2011

isn't it ironic

Irony. I am a fan, but I also have respect.  I am always a little nervous that I might die on my birthday, understand that sometimes you will get completely screwed (not the good way), when you are trying to do the right thing, and with my luck I will probably have ALL of the winning lotto numbers the week before they are called.  It's funny, really, it just takes a solid sense of humor to appreciate it. 
Today I was at the hospital with Dad (for a follow up finger appointment, totally routine) and wandered into the gift shop. (of course)  I found a balloon that said "you are in our thoughts and prayers" Um, really?! Not actually balloony, people!  I can't believe I have to explain this, but balloons are for celebrations, parades, and for dumping on your head when you hit the big jackpot. (not when your friend or loved one is lying in a paper robe, in the hospital, with a flesh eating bacteria)  I mean, if someone is in your thoughts and prayers, maybe a nice card, or some flowers would be a good choice.  I am not claiming to be the classiest broad ever, but come on! 
I almost wanted to get it just to have it on hand for emergencies. Baby shower? Quinceanera? It would ALWAYS be totally, inappropriately awesome.  Dad had the best idea: Put it with a HUGE bouquet of black balloons and bring it to a funeral. Taadaa!  You have single handedly just turned the entire event into a party.  Your welcome mourners, you can now tap the keg and party down. Happy I could help.

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