Monday, April 26, 2010


so I decided to write a book, and I wanted to blog about the process, for future reference. Also to keep you updated, so you can preorder it on Amazon when it comes out. I started writing today, so I figure it should be done sometime around, um, well, maybe never (possibly sooner). I got a tiny baby laptop from my grandma (seriously, it is 9" X 6.5" when it is folded up) to help with the process, and so I figure I am well on my way. Now I just have to find a comfy spot, boot up, and let the story come out. So far I have learned that 1)lap tops are really hot when they are sitting on your lap, and that 2) my story is coming out, but it is all jumbled up, full of typos, 3) that naming characters is harder than naming babies, and 4) that writing a book is harder than reading one someone else has written.
I read on the internet that you are supposed to get your idea all pretty and then submit it like that, and write your book after someone agrees to buy it. (I think we all know that I have no patience, and will end up writing the story first, and then binding it at Office Max and giving it away for Christmas to everyone I know when it doesn't get published.) I am totally fine with that too.
So far I have a leading lady to has a tendency to wake up in strange beds and a gorgeous gay best friend, neither if which my grandma will probably appreciate, and will quite possibly come and take back the laptop, so I better get crackin while I still have the chance!

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