Friday, April 9, 2010

gearing up

Alan has been ignoring me. It is tax season and he is an accountant, so it is predictable,and even probably acceptable and excusable behavior. This doesn't make a bit of difference to me at all. I am a princess and need lots of attention, and when I don't get it I talk loud, act inappropriately and (wait for it...) go online shopping. Nothing numbs the pain like our rather handsome and distinguished UPS man arriving at my door bearing gifts, just for me.
We have a trip to Mexico coming up next month, so today I ordered us both (not quite) matching kick ass backpacks, (we aren't checking bags this time and I want to look cute whilst hauling all of my junk around for a week) and Alan got some new, super cool, strappy (yet supportive) flip flops. (does thongs sound more manly? Maybe he would prefer I called them thongs...never mind, no matter) They didn't have the (not quite matching) ones I wanted on this particular website so I will have to place my order later. (after I sell some random things that no one will miss from around here, to raise some money for overpriced footwear!)
Alan, if you are reading this, I miss you. (and, just a warning, that cutie in the brown keeps bringing me things (really, did I actually order ALL of this stuff?!?) and he is looking better to me all the time. Good thing April 15th is coming quick!)

disclaimer to those that are NOT Alan: the UPS man looks a little like my dad and while friendly, remains very professional and aloof-lest you start to worry that my marriage is failing at the hands of my out of control internet shopping obsession. It is not; however, I have gotten packages every day this week and there is no end in sight. If you haven't seen me for a week, please send in some back up, we may need an intervention, or at least maybe a casserole to feed the kids that I have been neglecting.

1 comment:

mamakopp said...

what is it about the UPS man anyway? I mean they are all kinda cute. Is it the brown uniform? The salt and pepper hair? He high black socks whilst wearing shorts? I am not sure.

I will come and rescue you from shopping online. We will go to the actual stores! HA!