Tuesday, August 12, 2008

some pig

We have just finished up reading Charlotte's Web-our first out loud venture. The girls really liked it, especially Layla, as she has a longer attention span and didn't mind sitting still for the time it takes to read a story out loud from beginning to end. It took us a month, but still. We are planing to sleep in, eat pancakes and watch the movie in our jammies this weekend while Alan is away at a charity golf tournament for JDRF. (yay Dad!!)
Today I am outside doing some picking up and Maggie comes up to me with something in her hands--"it's Charlotte Mom!!" oh yay- a giant spider, with a big butt and tons of freaky, spidery legs. "Put Charlotte back sug--she needs to get back to her web" is what I say. "Good Grief-what the heck are you doing!!! That will bite your hand off and give you rabies!!!" is what I'm thinking. So she throws it. I love 3 year olds. I think I may be one. Today I was worried that some of my flower tubers weren't growing yet, so I dug them up and proceeded to accidentally break them into bits--oops! I considered putting myself in time out for a while, but decided that it would be more of a mini vacation than punishment, so I skipped it. Also, being so mad at myself and possibly wrecking my peonies is really punishment enough. I always wanted peonies. Apparently patience isn't my strong suit. (wow-really) Stop laughing Mom, it's hard to wait. (especially when the stuff is super great-like Christmas.....and peonies)

current jobs I am considering:
shot girl (at a bar)
late night shirt folder (at a discount store)
office lady (like lunch lady but with a copier and a stapler instead of a stove and hair net)
nothing like a little variety to keep it real.

that's it for today

p.s. for those of you not famliar with janina-speak "sug" is short for sugar, so say it like the first part of that word--it's hard for me to explain my made up language--please try and keep up.

1 comment:

Leanna said...

So glad you clarified that Sug thing! I had to read it twice and then laugh when I got to the bottom and the definition was right there! PS - I'm totally bs'in ya cause I figured it out first try! Yeaaaa me ... I'm nuts AND I speak your language!