Wednesday, August 20, 2008

movie night

so here lately I have been spending a lot of time indoors. It was 106* last week, and then the weather turned and it has rained (really hard with thunder and lightening and everything) every day so far this week. We have spent a lot of time making flower fairies and reading, but, I'm not going to lie, also a pretty fair amount of time watching movies. I will review them for you now.

*Charlotte's Web (2006)
this was a pretty good movie for one with talking animals. It was live action and they did a good job at making it look realistic. I was impressed with all of the talent that they recruited for this picture, we heard (since they were animal voices) Julia Roberts, Steve Buscemi, John Cleese, Oprah, Cedric the Entertainer, Kathy Bates, Reba McIntire, Robert Redford, Thomas Hayden Church and Beau Bridges. The little girl was played by Dakota Fanning who is cute and pretty talented for a 10 year old (or whatever she is--who can tell with kid celebrities??) but not her best work in my opinion. The girls liked it, and weren't at all bothered that Charlotte kicks it at the end, I on the other hand got a bit emotional and was a little disappointed that there was no songs like in the animated classic from my youth. "The fair is a veritable smorgasbord, orgasbord, orgasbord...." anyone??
all in all, didn't love it, didn't hate it. Definitely not as good as Babe, which it reminded me a lot of.

*How to Deal
Mandy Moore-um, not great. I am not a fan of these movies that have a ton of drama--real life has plenty for me, so I didn't love this one. The lowlights: divorce, death, teen pregnancy, blah blah, crap you know-ug! The highlights-her best friends name was Scarlett, which is a name I love AND it also featured the Flaming Lips with a song I love "Do you Realize". In case you are not familiar, find it here: really those are the only good things about this one, I'd skip it. The "hot guy" in this one wasn't even almost good looking, pu-leez! BOO-next!

*A Cinderella Story
Hillary Duff. I actually liked this one, it could have been animated, and you know the plot, it is in about every preteen movie ever made. Still, who cares, you kind of know that going in. Hillary is cute and to me a bit less obnoxious than most of her teen sensation counterparts, she seems a little less, I don't know, um, trampy or something. I like a nice wholesome teen ager--call me old fashioned. Didn't hate it, probably wouldn't spend an hour and a half on it again, but then again, I'm not 15, so there you go. My mom would like it. My favorite character was her nerdy best friend-boy, he was great, reminded me of some of my nerdy best friend boys back in the day.

*A Lot like love
Ashton Kucher. I think it's been established that this boy makes me stutter. The movie was fine, you knew what was going to happen, and it would NEVER happen in real life--still this is why we like movies. I swear when ever he kissed the girl (Amanda Peet who I also like--she's quirky) it literally made my heart beat all fast and get a little jealous. Love that-when does that happen? I would watch this again just for the feeling--I think I deleted it--too bad.

*Garden State
Zach Braff. Loved this, had to watch it multiple times before Alan stayed awake to see the whole thing, and I didn't even mind. Mild drama, his mom dies at the beginning (which is harsh, but it is the premis of the movie, so it's fine, just not a huge fan of mom's dying in general) but that's really all, so I can handle it. When he kisses the girl (Natalie Portman) it doesn't do anything for me (rip off!) but the movie is completely random and I like that. My favorite quote from the movie, he's dropping his friend off and his friend says "...if you ever need a Kato, you know where to find me.." I cracked up, Alan didn't get it.

um-that's all I can remember for now. I am excited for September so I can get back to Survivor and the Office, until then I am working my way down the tivo and will let you know if I come across anything extraordinary. The pizza's done, so I better scoot. I have an interview lined up, so soon will have my first blog guest, I am really excited about that! Until then, stay dry and out of trouble and we'll meet again soon!

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