Tuesday, July 1, 2008

tids and bits

That's what today is about. Here's some stuff that's been going on here lately:
it has been super hot here for a couple of weeks, and I have been putting dinner together, as opposed to cooking, it's just too hot. Our current thing is wraps, you can whack up a bunch of stuff, add some schmeer and roll it up in a bread, pita, bun or our favorite-tortillas. You can do this with almost everything, we've had burrito wraps, salad wraps, tofu, sushi, you get it. Today I also topped a salad with popcorn shrimp and it was awesome-try this, you won't be sorry. It only takes a few and the boxes are reasonable, it was yummy. Not so much soup lately, just cool stuff, I will be breaking out tonight though and baking up some weiner wraps (they were out of buns) and baked beans. (grillin beans actually, Alan's new favorite-they are spicy) This will help us get into the groove of camping I think, and also is just a good excuse to get to eat hot dogs; I never miss an opportunity.
We finished up planting our flower beds and Alan got my herb border planted, everything is coming along so beautifully. We started at the back of the property with the fire pit and have been sort of working our way forward to the front area that used to be lawn but now will be landscaped. This is probably because it is the most labor intensive project, but also because it will cost money and take a bunch of time. We have sprouts in all of our garden beds, you can almost watch the beans grow! One morning there were 2 tiny bean babies poking up and at the end of the day there were 13! -the girls think it is so cool. Layla has quite the green thumb and has about 30 of her own pots planted with seeds.
We are heading to the river for the long weekend on Thursday, and the girls are getting really excited, they tried to start packing 3 days ago. They are planning to sleep in the trailer with Nana and Papa, and to hear them tell it, you would think we are going to Disney Land. I'm trying to think of something that makes me that excited (well something I can share with you at least) and I'm not coming up with any. That's not true, food would do it, I just wish it took something more. (I get all glassy eyed like a Labrador at the smell of bacon-which I don't even eat!)
I am thinking about taking a night job after dinner at a local department store to earn a few extra bucks. I am taking my application in, I guess now I just wait to see if they are interested. This somehow reminds me of highschool, when there were tons of people trying to get the same job, everyone was qualified (no skills needed) and no one had any experience--at all. I have been out of the work force for a long time now and I feel like besides my sparkeling personality, I really don't have tons to offer. Sure, I can do lots of really useful things, I just have a limited time frame I'm available, and I'm unwilling to put up with less than ideal conditions. It's funny how things change. So even with my strict guidelines, I am still going to be a little miffed if I don't get the job. I will be absolutley exhausted every day I work, but it will be fun to get out of the house and do my own thing, and also to have sushi money when ever I want.

that's it for now, I'll keep you posted for updates, have a great 4th of July!

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