Wednesday, July 23, 2008

busy bee

I have taken a little blogging break, and someone noticed, so I just wanted to pop in and say howdy. We are busy getting ready for the big fest and basically summering which includes long hot days outdoors and tons of outside projects. This last weekend we shoveled 2 tons of rocks. (my friend Kristen informed me that that isn't really very many rocks at all-however, my back would like to disagree with her!) The place is really shaping up, and we are looking forward to this weekend when we finally get to sit back and relax and enjoy all of our hard work. Our guests will start arriving tomorrow, so this is crunch time.
I also wanted to mention that I am now the proud owner of "THE" heirloom tannie recipe that I eluded to in an earlier post. I just cannot bring myself to post it to the public, so let me know if you are interested and maybe we can work something out.
I had a job interview (yipes!) and hopefully will find out soon what my future holds--will let you know when I do. Right now I'm off erranding, so much to do, no time at all........
talk soon (or maybe later, I will be a bit busy celebrating summer for a while, I'll sip a frosty beverage for you!)

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