Monday, June 7, 2010

Today is a BIG day.

In about an hour we are leaving to go get Layla officially hooked up to her insulin pump. This is really exciting for a lot of reasons, but the main ones are that she will have to have less injections, (since insulin is administered in a different way) and that we should be able to have tighter control of her blood sugars, which will result in her overall health being better (especially in the long term). We are excited and nervous, and this first bit is going to be stressful and nerve wracking, with the expected high blood sugars, (as we transition from 2 insulins down to 1) and sugar checks every couple of hours (even through the night). This is a huge step for us, and we have been working towards it for quite some time. Wish us luck as we take this next step in Layla's diabetes care! Here we go!

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