Tuesday, June 1, 2010

time to get ill

I am sick. It is bad. Today I finally called the doctor to see if I could come in to get some help, and a cheerful lady on the line told me that viral infections can last up to three weeks, and that I need to make friends with my neti pot and humidifier. Thanks, that is all the help I needed. Oh wait, I can't breathe, so neti pot is out, and I think that we all know humidifiers are for babies, so thanks for NOTHING!
Needless to say, I am tired and cranky and not looking or feeling my best. I have been trying to avoid mirrors as much as possible since it is a scary sight to say the least. My hair is fuzzed up, my eyes are like dried up raisins, there are zits popping up in actual constellations all over my face, and I am getting a cold sore. Really?! Is this some kind of punishment from the universe for having one good week?!
Anyway, tonight I told Alan that I am afraid that this is what I will look like when I get old. He looked at me and said "you are just sick, you are not getting old." and I could HEAR him roll his eyes. Is that even possible?! Try it. I think he has a gift, possibly Jedi powers even. I think he thinks I am faking it (I am totally not--although he did cook EVERY meal-ALL weekend, this may be useful information for later, when I feel good enough to fake a horrible, mind melting illness)
OH! My left foot just fell asleep, I am pretty sure this is a symptom. (or it could be the benadryl, hard to say).
Just wanted to let you know that the Mexico recap will commence once I am feeling a little better and the room stops spinning. (I did NOT have enough fun for that to be happening!)
mom-is that you?
I see a bright light

1 comment:

Judy said...

"Time to get WELL"