Friday, January 13, 2012

6 inch tall toilets (or the day I started my period in 1st grade)

Today started all well and good, with an early morning trip to Krispy Kreme. It was Layla's birthday treat choice to take to class, and I was more than happy to get them for her (since it meant no cupcake making duty for me). I left the store with 31 donuts and a cup full of donut holes. Yup, that ought to do it.
I had lunch with Layla and then headed over to the primary school to luncheon with my very favorite first grader.
Side note: I have been bitchy and lame this week, kind of a key to pending events, but ignoring symptoms and soldiering on, I continue to be the best wife and mom of all time. (yeah, the part before the first comma is all true)
I sign in and get my numbered "visitor" badge at the office, (very official) and decide it would be best if I take a little trip to the restroom before I head to Maggie's class. I find the largest stall and take it. I notice that the toilet is made for someone about the size of a hobbit or perhaps a leprechaun. If you are any bigger than that (or say, have an ass the size of a full grown adult human) these "facilities" are going to be a little less than ideal. I then notice that the toilet paper is 1 ply and SEE THROUGH! Seriously?! Oh, you have got to be F*ing KIDDING me! Taking stock of the situation, I also see that there is nary a garbage can in sight. (of course not) At this exact moment, a sweet, tiny pixie enters the only other stall. She is singing. Of course she is. And she sounds like an animated chipmunk. (kill me now)  I wait for her get done with her business. (holy hell 5 year olds take their sweet time in the can!)
So I wait. And wait. and finally, she leaves.
I get to leave with my respect. Phew.
I also got to stand on a huge stool to wash my hands, which was pretty cool.
I had lunch with Mags and guess what? Car full of Krispy Kreme when I was done. Booyah!

I made a double batch of brownie bites, and all 5 DOZEN of them stuck in the pans (so they aren't going anywhere). It's like the universe is speaking to me. And petting my hair. I do believe I will change into my stretchy pants now.

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