Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I see you there!

YOU! sneaky stalker. I put a counter on my blog to see if anyone on the planet gave a hoot about the random crap I write, and it keeps spinning up like crazy. Well, it's not exactly spinning, but I am actually very surprised at the numbers, there have been about 100 hits per week. Probably only about 87 of those are me checking on things, and trying to decide if I have anything else to say, so that means that 13other times, someone else is coming here. (or maybe my mom clicks it just to make me feel better, she would totally do something like that-once she took me to see strippers even-not related, just funny, especially if you know my mom.) There are only 2 people officially following the blog, (one is a good friend who had to sign up out of pity since I had NO other followers) and the other person has not as of yet revealed themselves-very mysterious. (mom is that you?!)
On a funny side note, did you know that when you add a counter to something, you can have it start at any number you want? It made me giggle that you would put a counter on something and not start at 1. I guess there are reasons, maybe a high counter is super impressive or something, but I just started at 1, a few years into the blog, that's just how I roll. (plus I am not good at math and a fake number would have just made me confused and think that I probably need to hide from the paparazzi or something)
Anyway, I just wanted you to know, that I know, that you are there-all strong and silent, without even a friendly comment, or sarcastic cheer. (or small expensive gifts, just to show you care) I went all big brother on your ass and you didn't even know it. BAM!

book update: I have written a few pages, and have done a little editing whilst enjoying a nice buzz, so I would say, the book is coming along nicely. I think it's really funny, and no one else has read it, so I am sporting a 100% approval rating right now. It makes me think that I might be the target audience,and showing it to anyone might be a horrific mistake. Plus how much of a princess would I be if I wrote myself a book and just kept it all for myself? I hear that everyone and their brother is writing a book now anyway, so maybe it's too mainstream for my likes anyhow. Who needs to be a kabillionaire anyway?! Not me boy!

vacation update: the Aunties come tomorrow and we leave for Mexico in 3 days. I am all bound up with excitement. (what do you think it means?) I think you know how I feel about the Aunties and about Mexico, so I will leave it at that. We are planning on trying to see some petroglyphs and crocodiles while we are there, but you know what they say about the best laid plans (especially when there is tequila involved).
See you on the flip side! Adios!


Leanna said...

I became a "Janina Follower" just for you ... so you could feel all special 'n stuff! Keep the goods comin' and maybe I'll return upon occasion and even post a comment!

Erika said...

Fine - I'll be an official follower - although you are on my drop down menu of blogs to check daily. Maybe I'm the counter-runner-upper. (Like that's a real job.)

Look, I'm commenting! And I'm even signed in! Woot.