Tuesday, October 26, 2010

here I go!

Just a quick check in today, so many things to do, and always, not enough time to get it all done.
I have hit the second of my weight loss goals today, I have lots of them. Lose 10 pounds was the first one, (the next one was to make it to a round number, which was only 2 more pounds after that). I have a friend that successfully lost 65 pounds and she said to make lots of small goals, so when you meet them you feel like you are making good progress. I think it is working, and I get to go pick out my reward prize this weekend in St. Louis! I want a $15 little thing, seems pretty reasonable to me (although, when I want something, I can always find a way to make it seem reasonable to myself, it's a gift)
My next goal is losing 10% of my original weight (the doctor actually "prescribed" this one at my last appointment, so it is kind of a big deal). I will hit that when I lose 8 more pounds! (this will be 20 pounds down, that is a little more than 10% for me, but like I said, I like round numbers) I have a prize picked out for that one too, it helps to know your motivation.
In other BIG news, I am leaving on the red eye flight in 2 days bound for St. Louis! My mom and the Aunties are meeting me there (one lives there and is hosting). We are going to experience fall in Missouri, I hear it is phenomenal, and I am very excited. We are going to an apple butter festival, the botanical gardens, some outdoor markets and other fun girly stuff. I am literally giddy. (it might be the coffee-hard to say) I will only be gone for a 4 day weekend, but am feeling like I need to get a little attention, as opposed to giving it for a few days, so I think this will be just the thing! (squee!)
I am trying to train for a 5k run in March called the Shamrock run, it is one of my goals. I don't actually run (ever) so this is a big one for me. Usually my legs feel wobbly and I think I am going to throw up when I get off of the treadmill from my jog (3 minutes at a time so far! ug, I don't know if I can do this!) but so far, I am feeling optimistic and it has kept me going. Eyes on the prize baby-nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
The rainy season has officially started here, and the sky is dark all the time, and the skies have opened. I am so thankful everyday for my warm house and my cozy little family. Speaking of them, time to go get a little math done. Take care!

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