Monday, March 29, 2010

mixed media

we love art, it is our favorite thing (well, besides chocolate, and sleeping in, and beer, and ...).  The girls are always using anything they can find to make new and amazing projects.  We go through lots of tape and glue around here, lots of beads, cardboard boxes, crayons, markers, pipecleaners, well, you get it. They will make art with anything that is colorful, small, sticky, pretty, shiny, fancy, basically anything they can get their hands on.  Both of the girls are really into mixed media, and even don't like their outfits to match because they think then they are wearing mixed media. After finishing any project, I am encouraged to drop whatever I am currently doing, and run (if possible) to view the latest creation.
Tonight after Layla's shower she started jumping around and yelling "MOM COME QUICK!!"  (This makes me a little nervous, I don't know what to think so) I jump up, and run into the bathroom only  to see her grinning, and pointing at the shower wall.  There it was, her latest masterpiece.  It was me, made of hair, that had stuck on her hand while she was lathering up with shampoo.  I have been immortalized in hair, in the tub (practically the most prestigious place in the entire house). I have officially arrived.


mamakopp said...

HA HA HA HA :D Classic!!!!

Erika said...

Beef, you are B-E-A-Utiful!!