Monday, June 15, 2009

remember me?

I have a horrible memory. I think it may be genetic, or possibly some kind of self preservation that my mind does for me without asking first. When I think back, I remember lots of things, things from my childhood, even up to being a young adult-then it gets a little fuzzy. The memory loss seems strangely to correspond with my 25th birthday, which, in and of itself is still a nice strong, young and lively age to be. It also happens to be about the time I started having kids. I am pretty sure this is when my brain turned itself off (for my own protection) and refused to hold any more memories. I just block things out. (note to self: start taking more pictures) Luckily I have the kids around now to remind me of everything I need to know that has happened during the last 6 years.

Sometimes the kids remember things that you honestly think never actually happened, around here, they probably did and I just don't remember. Now to my credit, I do remember some things, and most of all of the REALLY important things, but also we really do lots of stuff, so you know I am creating more memories than say, the shut in across the street, or the mumbling homeless guy in the wal-mart intersection.
Anyway, the other day Layla gets all excited remembering that we used to make peanut butter play dough (I remember this one!) and is trying to share the recipe with a friend. We love nuts around here, salted, buttered or otherwise, and especially when they are used in cool fun projects like mixed media collages or even better-YUMMY SNACKS!
without further ado I give you:


1 1/2 c. peanut butter
3/4 c. powdered milk
3 tbsp. honey

Mix all ingredients together. Play with it. Eat it!

alternate (non dairy) version

1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup honey
4-6 oz. corn flour or corn meal
Combine together peanut butter and honey. Add the corn flour until it reaches the desired consistency.

1 comment:

mamakopp said...

AWESOME!!! We are going to make this tomorrow! Thank Nina! :)

By the way.... I totally agree that it's a self preservation mechanism that we slowly loose trivial memories. Hee hee. We do so much here that there is no way I could ever remember them all!!! But you are right. The kids do.