One of my mom's favorite stories to tell about me is when I was 2 and had a pair of red tennies. We lived in a house in a neighborhood with a little front yard, edged by a sidewalk, and then of course, a road. It wasn't a busy road, but the occasional car did happen past, and there were very strict rules about using the sidewalk, and going any where near the black top. There was a line carved into the concrete (where it met the pavement) and the rule was that I was to NEVER cross the line. Ever. (safety first and all that) So Mom says (I mean, come on, I was 2, I have no memories of any of this. I can barely remember breakfast--and today it was more like brunch, since I just finished it) that I used to look right at her to be sure she was looking, and then, stick one red tennied toe over the line. Just to be contrary, or see if she would explode, or what. (Now that I am a mother myself, I plead the 5th, 2 year olds have no control over themselves, and should not be expected to behave well. Have I mentioned that I am still 2 years old?)
Anyway, one of her cute little memories is me, acting all rascally, wearing bright red sneakers.
Guess what? (hold on, I'm about ready to tie this all together)
You know I love the UPS man, and he just came with my NEW SHOES!! Guess what else?! They are RED! Look out world, I have bright red sneakers, and a non supervised weekend coming up. Please drive extra carefully, and watch for my toes sticking out into the road. I just can't promise that I will behave.
Just a side note, my mom also ordered a pair and we are taking on the world together WITH the Aunties to boot. I hope the planet survives.
me (with one of my many boyfriends) Donavon Frankenreiter-we are in love.
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