I love parties and events and activities, and I especially love all the little details that go into them. Taking a shower with suds that smell like flowers, using the good conditioner, wearing cute earrings, sprinkles on the cake, the little things, fancy things, that make them special. A lot of days I forget that Tuesday is special. It is just Tuesday after all, but once in a while couldn't it use some sprinkles too?
Mondays are hard (absolutely NON sprinkle days here) but Tuesdays often get overlooked as well, and today it dawned on me that we may be passing up some definite fancy opportunity. You know like in the movies, the girl who is bookish and shy, wearing slumpy clothes and hanging out with her (drop dead gorgeous, way out of her league) best friend boy? Then in the end she puts her hair up, adds some mascara and lip gloss and she is now Julia Roberts? Of course they live happily ever after since she was so very beautiful on the outside now (don'tcha just love this one? you can be totally amazing, but they only like you unless you're pretty--OOPS-just read my first line again, guess we're all guilty, but hey, if she smelled like cake I would have liked her before she got popular) So today I decided that Tuesday needed a makeover, so we would enjoy hanging out with her a little more.
We decided on a tea party lunch and made cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off and shaped into little triangles. (fancy). We had sliced rainbow oranges on the side. (beautiful). We drank lemonade out of fancy wine glasses (super fancy, Maggie asked repeatedly if it was ok that we were using the fancy cups since we are kids). We followed it all up with scoops of ice cream in little custard cups with sprinkles (of course). Voila, Tuesday is now beautiful and popular and we are in love. (now if we could somehow get her to stop hanging out so close to Monday, everything would be perfect!)
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