This morning when I woke up it was quiet. The girls are usually already awake and drawing or watching cartoons, so I poked my head out to check out what was going on.
Layla was sitting quietly on the couch reading a book silently to herself. She has never read on her own before, and getting her to practice reading is usually something I dread, as she fights me every step of the way. (needless to say, this was a big surprise!)
"Whatcha doing?" I asked her. "Reading my new books about horses and ponies" she tells me, and then proceeds to inform me that female foals are called fillies and male foals are called colts. "Very interesting," I tell her, "I am glad you like your new book."
I am feeling very puffy and proud about this moment, she is learning, and I am her teacher. Note to self, get more pony books.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
I love love
Valentines day is my favorite holiday. Over the years I have met, and continue to meet, many naysayers, cynics, haters and grumps. The funny thing is, usually I might count myself one of their numbers, but not when it comes to Valentines day. I have become rather crusty and negative regarding most things, but for some reason, red foil heart shaped boxes, little cupids and roses make me melt every time. I don't even like cupid, OR roses, (never mind contrived holidays) so this is a strange phenomenon indeed. Over and over I find myself defending valentines day to people who don't understand my feelings for the special day, good people and happy couples included, this too is starting to make me wonder. Why does everyone else hate love day?
Alan says that my strong feelings about the day give him stress, since no mortal man could possibly live up to my expectations. He is wrong, and I will attempt to tell you why. Valentines day is about me. Not him, not cupid, not even chocolate or sex (although I wouldn't turn those down) I love love. I guess I love being loved would explain it better.
My grandpa was my very first valentine. He came over to my house, when I was just a little thing, and picked me up in his car. He had a card for me, just from him, and a tiny, red heart shaped, box of chocolates. We spent the day running errands together, nothing special, but it was then I realized that I was special. I had been singled out, out of everyone on the planet, to be my grandpa's special girl. I remember wondering if my grandma would be upset since he had picked me to be his valentine instead of her. Well, my Gram is amazing and she took it like a hero, and even served us lunch when we went back to their house. I don't remember many other details, just the tiny box of candy and the feeling that I had won a special prize to be chosen as someones valentine. Like I was special, and important and that I mattered.
Not all Valentines days have been extraordinary, but they don't need to be. Valentines day to me is a day that I use to reflect on how lucky I am to have had such a full and wonderful life, and to think back on all the ways I have been loved. The ways are many and varied, but just thinking of them makes my smile and fills my tank. I love you, most times, is more of an verb than a noun. People tell me all the time without saying anything.
The time you called me for no reason just to chat.
When I was stranded and you rescued me.
When you buy me something you hate just because you know I will love it.
When you tell me your secret.
The time you listened to me cry.
The time you watched the girls so I could spend some time with Alan.
When you go on a trip and bring me back a special gift (even though you are so popular and I know most people didn't get anything)
When you know what I need without me having to say a word.
When you smile at me.
The time you told me I looked beautiful, and I knew you were lying, but it felt so good to hear it anyway.
When you made me a special dinner because you know I eat differently than you.
When you told me a dirty joke to cheer me up.
When you make plans and follow through.
When you listen to my ridiculous ideas, and encourage me to follow them.
When you call me from a junk shop to tell me about the treasures.
When you pick dandelion bouquets for me by the fist full.
When you tell me the truth.
When you make time for me.
When you trust me.
When you listen.
When you go out in the cold so I don't have to.
Alan says that my strong feelings about the day give him stress, since no mortal man could possibly live up to my expectations. He is wrong, and I will attempt to tell you why. Valentines day is about me. Not him, not cupid, not even chocolate or sex (although I wouldn't turn those down) I love love. I guess I love being loved would explain it better.
My grandpa was my very first valentine. He came over to my house, when I was just a little thing, and picked me up in his car. He had a card for me, just from him, and a tiny, red heart shaped, box of chocolates. We spent the day running errands together, nothing special, but it was then I realized that I was special. I had been singled out, out of everyone on the planet, to be my grandpa's special girl. I remember wondering if my grandma would be upset since he had picked me to be his valentine instead of her. Well, my Gram is amazing and she took it like a hero, and even served us lunch when we went back to their house. I don't remember many other details, just the tiny box of candy and the feeling that I had won a special prize to be chosen as someones valentine. Like I was special, and important and that I mattered.
Not all Valentines days have been extraordinary, but they don't need to be. Valentines day to me is a day that I use to reflect on how lucky I am to have had such a full and wonderful life, and to think back on all the ways I have been loved. The ways are many and varied, but just thinking of them makes my smile and fills my tank. I love you, most times, is more of an verb than a noun. People tell me all the time without saying anything.
The time you called me for no reason just to chat.
When I was stranded and you rescued me.
When you buy me something you hate just because you know I will love it.
When you tell me your secret.
The time you listened to me cry.
The time you watched the girls so I could spend some time with Alan.
When you go on a trip and bring me back a special gift (even though you are so popular and I know most people didn't get anything)
When you know what I need without me having to say a word.
When you smile at me.
The time you told me I looked beautiful, and I knew you were lying, but it felt so good to hear it anyway.
When you made me a special dinner because you know I eat differently than you.
When you told me a dirty joke to cheer me up.
When you make plans and follow through.
When you listen to my ridiculous ideas, and encourage me to follow them.
When you call me from a junk shop to tell me about the treasures.
When you pick dandelion bouquets for me by the fist full.
When you tell me the truth.
When you make time for me.
When you trust me.
When you listen.
When you go out in the cold so I don't have to.
When I haven't seen you for months or years (or ever), and we easily slip back into the comfortable place we were, just like we never left it in the first place.
The time you didn't get mad even though I deserved it.
When you get up every time in the middle of the night to do the sugar checks.
When you know I needed to buy that, so you didn't mention it.
Because you understand that when you love something, cost isn't a factor.
When you cheer me on.
When you let me sleep in every Sunday and bring me chocolate chip pancakes in bed, because you know that to me, that is the ultimate treat.
When I see beautiful things in nature.
When I feel the rain on my face.
So many things, wonderful things, amazing things, every day I am reminded somehow that I am loved. Tiny things, humongous things, beautiful and simple things. From everywhere.
Thank you, I love you too.
Happy Valentines day.
The time you didn't get mad even though I deserved it.
When you get up every time in the middle of the night to do the sugar checks.
When you know I needed to buy that, so you didn't mention it.
Because you understand that when you love something, cost isn't a factor.
When you cheer me on.
When you let me sleep in every Sunday and bring me chocolate chip pancakes in bed, because you know that to me, that is the ultimate treat.
When I see beautiful things in nature.
When I feel the rain on my face.
So many things, wonderful things, amazing things, every day I am reminded somehow that I am loved. Tiny things, humongous things, beautiful and simple things. From everywhere.
Thank you, I love you too.
Happy Valentines day.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Vive Tuesday
I love parties and events and activities, and I especially love all the little details that go into them. Taking a shower with suds that smell like flowers, using the good conditioner, wearing cute earrings, sprinkles on the cake, the little things, fancy things, that make them special. A lot of days I forget that Tuesday is special. It is just Tuesday after all, but once in a while couldn't it use some sprinkles too?
Mondays are hard (absolutely NON sprinkle days here) but Tuesdays often get overlooked as well, and today it dawned on me that we may be passing up some definite fancy opportunity. You know like in the movies, the girl who is bookish and shy, wearing slumpy clothes and hanging out with her (drop dead gorgeous, way out of her league) best friend boy? Then in the end she puts her hair up, adds some mascara and lip gloss and she is now Julia Roberts? Of course they live happily ever after since she was so very beautiful on the outside now (don'tcha just love this one? you can be totally amazing, but they only like you unless you're pretty--OOPS-just read my first line again, guess we're all guilty, but hey, if she smelled like cake I would have liked her before she got popular) So today I decided that Tuesday needed a makeover, so we would enjoy hanging out with her a little more.
We decided on a tea party lunch and made cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off and shaped into little triangles. (fancy). We had sliced rainbow oranges on the side. (beautiful). We drank lemonade out of fancy wine glasses (super fancy, Maggie asked repeatedly if it was ok that we were using the fancy cups since we are kids). We followed it all up with scoops of ice cream in little custard cups with sprinkles (of course). Voila, Tuesday is now beautiful and popular and we are in love. (now if we could somehow get her to stop hanging out so close to Monday, everything would be perfect!)
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