We just got through a very big week. My mom and my aunties came for a visit! They came to be with us and support us at the JDRF walk to cure diabetes yesterday.
The month before the walk is a really hard time for me because the goal is to raise money for diabetes research-which is wonderful-but means you have to ask your friends and family for money-which is not so wonderful. We live with diabetes all the time, every day, every minute, every second, there are no breaks. Ever. In order to get people to want to give you money, (for your amazing cause-and everyone has one!) you need them to understand the horrors of this disease, and why research, and ultimately a cure is so very vital. To get people to understand is a big job, and requires you telling your story, and all of the messy details, to everyone that wants to listen. Mama's do NOT like this kind of thing, especially when it involves one of their babies and an ugly disease. In real life when we are living with diabetes, we deal with it at meal times and whenever else we need to, and for the most part, try not to focus too much on it, because it can take you to a dark place. The month before the walk, diabetes is on the brain all the time, there are lots of tears, and broken sentences, and stress headaches and kleenexes. (which of course all take place in hiding so the kids won't know what a nut job you are, and/or get all antsy and upset when they see mama having a nervous breakdown). As you can imagine, by the time the walk actually arrives, we are ready and waiting for it to be over. The good news is that the walk is always AMAZING. Really, wow. Layla told me yesterday that she must be a celebrity since so many people were there for her. The Portland JDRF walk was expecting over 5,000 people, (I don't think the final numbers are back yet, but I will let you know) it was awesome. Our local walk is held at a vintage amusement park and includes a free full pancake breakfast (with yogurt, coffee and fruit) and a barbeque lunch, as well as free park passes for the entire family for the whole day. Pretty sweet set up, and they pulled it off famously. Our team-Little & Loud-had 25 walkers show up for the big day and we raised over $2000!! It takes so many volunteers to pull off a huge event like this, it is really humbling. Anyway, it is easy to crumple after everything leading up to the big day, and it was so comforting to have all of those strong arms around me to help hold me up through it all. It really does take a village to raise a child, and probably a few more villages to stand around the mama to hold her up on wobbly legs while she does her best to get everybody through it all.
Janina, If I could, I would remove all the heartache that this brings to you and your family, but for now I will support you and your dear Layla with love and hugs always!♥
aw-thanks birdie, you are the sweetest. The people that love and support us help make it bearable.
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