When Maggie was born, Alan cried. He held her close, and told me how awesome she was. I was not interested in holding her, I was apparently impervious to her baby charms (unlike Alan. softy) and beyond that, I was afraid that I might never be able to love her. (the postpartum brain is a scary thing indeed)
This my friends, is the shit they never tell you about in your baby readiness classes. Not that we took any the second time around anyway, but it would have been helpful information to have. When Layla came, I remember how joyful I felt, and how amazing the experience was. I was floating on bliss. It was better than anything that had happened in my entire life. Ever. This time I just felt overwhelmed. I was in over my head, and not nearly qualified for the position I now held. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?!
Well, that feeling lasted approximately 17 minutes before she cast her spell on me, and made me her biggest fan. She's powerful like that. From day one, She was happy to just be with us, never asking to be the center, never needing extra (which is great, since I didn't have any extra to give), just always easy with a smile and ready to give love. Maggie never even went through the "terrible twos", she sailed through that age with grace and poise (thank goodness, since Layla was still in the thick of it even at 4!). I couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition to our family.
Probably the thing I love most about my little girl is her free spirit. She is uninhibited, carefree, and hilarious. To this day, she refuses to wear clothes unless we are "going out", she says anything that matches make her feel weary, she finds the humor in everyday situations, and enjoys life. She makes me laugh every day. Every single day.
I always say that it's a good thing we aren't in charge of everything, because if it was up to me, with our situation, and timing, and circumstance, I would most likely have decided against having a second baby. But when I look into her big, blue, laughing eyes, I believe in God. Maggie is good medicine, and most days I think she saved me. Go figure.
4 year old Maggie. Admit it, you love her too. |