Friday, December 18, 2009

little rascal

the days pass so quickly, I feel like I should be taking notes! We had a great time with family for Thanksgiving, I am always so thankful for our big, beautiful, crazy family. I got a neat chance to talk to my grandpa about the way things were when he was small, and how different things are now. I can only imagine what that is like. It made me thankful to be in the here and now, living my blessed life for sure-which was appropriate, since it was thanksgiving after all.

I came home and worked hard for a week to get some inventory for the magical winter faire, it is the one and only time I take my little online shop live and in person to the public. Things flew! It was really great to see the upward trend from last year when things seemed so desolate. (not to mention that the money I made was a nice little Christmas bonus for our family) I mean, we're not putting a down payment on a place in Mexico like we'd like, but we did book our next trip, so you know, I will settle for baby steps at this point. (anything that takes me south!)

We have been keeping busy with homeschool, this week has been hard since we are swept up with the Christmas spirit and want to play and goof rather than learn. We did manage to squeeze a few hours in though, in between going out to lunch and seeing the new princess movie. We also toured Honey House Farm this week, and talked to Marge my "bee lady". At the little gift shop I got the girls each a kids gift pack that had an educational coloring book, some flavored honey sticks, a bee ornament, and a box of 24 crayola crayons. They were thrilled. We came home to talk about it some more, check out our loot and color. I had to leave them for a few minutes, (as sometimes mothers do) and when I returned, Maggie had snapped every single one of her new crayons in half, well, not EVERY one, there was one lucky yellow that was still whole. One, out of 24. Layla and I were equally horrified. I asked her why she did that and she just smiled. I bet it was great to feel the satisfying snap of those crayons. It is something Layla and I will probably never experience, as I just could NOT snap a crayon that still has a nice pointy tip. (WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT?!?) She doesn't color in the lines either, even though she can, and she draws boys with a pink crayon. I think she is amazing and funny and uninhibited. I am trying to take little lessons from her when she isn't looking. Almost every night Alan and I are almost in tears as I recount our day and the funny things that she does. I call her rascal since to me it means mischievous in a good (but still frustrating) way. (on a side note, we have taken a break from reading Junie B Jones and Ramona books as to not give her any ideas she can't come up with on her own).

We have a very full week ahead and are very excited for the holidays and our train trip to Sacramento (and auntie's BIRTHDAY PARTY-psssst, don't mention it, it's a holiday party and we have been threatened with our lives if we let it out). I hope everyone has a full and wonderful holiday no matter what you are celebrating.