Thursday, July 26, 2007

livin' on love

The guys came on Monday to start installing my new siding, my house was to look amazing (or almost) here shortly. Instead, we have extensive damage that needs to be replaced, so not only does my house look in shambles (we had the front deck removed for the siding install and now there is no access to my front door) but will not be fixed for quite some time. We need to get dry and wet rot fixed and we also have quite an enormous colony of carpenter ants living here with us. We are currently having numbers worked up to the price of all of the repairs and also, the cost to remove this house and built a new one from scratch. So, you say, is Janina a bit stressed-the answer to that my friend is a resounding YES! However, besides doubling our mortgage payment, and living in our garage for about 6 months or so, there is an upside. (I know--always the optimist) I will get new carpet and counters, which I have always wanted-so yay me.
Also, Alan has taken this opportunity to show me once again how amazing he is and how blessed we are to have him, so truly it could be worse. Just think, someone could be sick--worse, I could be pregnant--WAY WORSE!! (sorry if you've already heard me talk about this, I need to keep it on play on an inner loop, as my pep rally, so I don't completely crumble) So to fund new and big life changing project we need to sell everything we have of value-fun. As if I don't have enough projects going on right this second! If we have anything you want-let me know, I might could get you a 2 year old--cheap! Just kidding (kind of)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

just a minute

phew!! I have just a minute or 2 before things get crazy again around I thought I'd throw out a blog. These past couple of weeks have been crazy! We had a wonderful trip down to California to see my family. The weather was pretty warm, but we managed ok, and even (mostly) kept the blood sugars under control. We even took a road trip down south a bit and met Alan's grandma. I've met her once before at Alan's sister's wedding, but it's been like 15 years or something, so that was an adventure. The 95th birthday party for my Great grandma was a huge success, as was the trip over all. Even the airport was a breeze, it makes me think we can do it again sometime--good thing since we just bought tickets back down for my cousin's wedding in October.

Shortly after we got back, my cousin Belinda and her family came for a visit, and it was great to have them, they haven't made it up in about 4 years I think.

We are in the middle of finishing our garage/loft project, which is currently in the painting phase, so we've had workers here for that running all around, and a new fence put in, so there were workers running around for that, and also we've been getting estimates for the siding and deck projects, so we've had workers running around for that.....If you are beginning to see a pattern here, it's a little nuts--just like me!

Add to that, that it is time to get our JDRF walk team put together and start fundraising, and Blochtoberfest is tomorrow, you start to get a pretty good picture of what has been keeping me so busy lately. Oh wait, the cat that adopted us had kittens, and we need to have a few of the structural supporting beams of our house replaced (that will leave a gaping hole in the side of our house until it is fixed)........oh, and I'm in charge of stuff this year at the walk--namely putting together a big to-do next weekend at Oaks Park and I have pretty much no idea what's going on. Ok-now you're up to speed. Wait, Maggie has a horrible diaper rash that won't go away, and Layla's staph infection is back with renewed force--oh, and I can't button my shorts anymore. I'm sure I'll think of something else, but for now-that's enough.

The good news is that Alan arrived home tonight with 2 kegs of beer in his trunk, and he doesn't have to go to work tomorrow so we can stay up late. I love the fest, maybe even more than Christmas, so I'm really excited to get to have all of my friends and family here with me for the weekend. And-there will be smores--enough said. Hope to see you all here, if not, see you later. I'm busy again for a while, but I'll try to get a blog in every now and again to keep you up to speed about the goings on around here, as always, no promises.

**Special note to the Cali. family (& Retta)--I love you guys more than anything, we had a super time, and I can't wait to see you all again in a couple of months.

oh-I have to run--looks like it's beer-thirty